Most Common Reasons for Driving Accidents

Most Common Reasons For Driving Accidents

Driving is undoubtedly one of the most essential activities of our lives in today’s world. No matter where we are we spend several hours of our days on roads each day. While driving we are not only responsible for our own safety but also for the safety of other people on the road. Some people blame their bad luck when they meet with an accident but in reality, they are caused mostly due to drivers own mistakes.

There can be several causes for the accidents some have been described below, so that next time you can be more careful.

Unfocussed Driving

Using mobile phones while driving has become one of the major causes of accidents these days. People get distracted while using phones and lose attention from the roads.

Most people don’t realize but there are other factors as well which can distract you while driving. Such factors can be using navigational devices, trying to adjust music, daydreaming, lack of sleep or even applying makeup.

Over Speeding

Driving over the speed limits is the second most common cause of accidents. Some motorists drive fast when they are running late but unfortunately many youngsters over speed just for the thrill and adventure. The faster the vehicle the more it is difficult to control it in case of any collision. So it is very important for the motorists to stay within the legal speed limits.

Weather Conditions

Extreme weather conditions can also lead to more dangers for drivers. Motorists have to be extra careful while driving during rain, snow or fog. The roads get slippery and visibility is also reduced, so you must try to avoid driving in such conditions as much as you can.

Drunk Driving

As everyone knows why it is prohibited to drive after consuming alcohol because the brain cannot function properly and you cannot focus on the road. It is one of the common reasons to cause accidents which can be avoided easily. Please take help of any other responsible driver after drinking.

Reckless Driving

Aggressive behaviour while driving makes you drive recklessly. Changing lanes abruptly without looking, over speeding, tailgating and not following traffic rules are signs of reckless driving. It is important to stay calm and drive cautiously. If you find any other person driving aggressively try to keep a distance from such drivers as they put your life in danger too.

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Driver Exhaustion

Driver exhaustion is a less-discussed factor for accidents but it very dangerous especially on longer journeys. It gets difficult to concentrate on the roads when you feel drowsy especially during night time. It is always better to stop and take a quick nap to refresh yourself rather than to put your life in danger.

Disobeying Traffic Rules

Traffic rules are made to ensure people safety. Running stop signs, red lights and taking wrong turns can lead to fatal collisions. It is necessary to follow the traffic rules to ensure your safety and others around you. The best way to implement it is to leave for your destination a bit early rather than trying to break rules later.

Poor Car Maintenance

All the above factors involve the personal behaviour of the drivers but we cannot ignore the maintenance of the car which is equally important. It is your responsibility to get your car checked regularly and make sure it is properly maintained. A slight problem can lead to any dangerous result.

Car accidents can cause a hassle for anyone involved. Please keep in mind the above points to ensure safety of yourself and others driving around you. By following all the rules you can always make driving a much safer experience for everyone. Furthermore, it is also our responsibility to discuss with our family and friends on how to make the roads safer.

Australian Women in the Automotive Industry

Australian Women In The Automotive Industry

The participation of Australian women in the automotive industry always remains on the top. Women are always becoming a part of this industry. It was started in the late nineteenth century when they took the freedom to have a bicycle and then they turned their focus to the automobile in 1900. Women involved herself in new technologies. They also worked as drivers and then as a mechanics with a lesser degree. Then they have a strong contribution to the automotive industry in the early modern era. This is true that costs and other hurdles could not restrict her to move forward in making adventures.

Australian Women in the Automotive Industry

After the development of major vehicle manufacturers like Holden and Ford, women started taking part in the production of motors. During World War II, women started mobilization in labor work and then they started working in in the industry. After involving herself in labor work, Australian women contributed to automobile design and engineering that took many years to get in this field.

Now in recent years, the role of women in the automotive industry is on the rise and increasing day by day. You can imagine the role of a woman in the automobile industry that the first automobile, the Benz Patent-Motorwagen was financed by a woman.

Australian Women as Drivers

Women were the parts of this industry when Australian had started to improve the local auto industry in the 1890s. They had developed car clubs by the start of the 20th century. The involvement of women in the automotive industry is inclusive research as drivers.  It was 1904 when a dentist woman drove from Adelaide to Melbourne. She crossed approximately 725 km and she took 8 days to complete this journey. The vehicle she had used was 5hp Beeston Humberette with a full safety dress. She dressed a leather overall, mask, goggles, peaked cap and ear-flaps.

Australian Women as Mechanics

The women as mechanics may be less in numbers but they can lead the industry and can drive the change. The women in this role map out new opportunities in the automotive industry by struggling and working hard.

Here is a big name of ‘Rosie the Riveter’ that was found in the 1940s. It exists in the grey industrial landscape of Melbourne’s southeast. This was a factory which was started by a mother and daughter who were keen to let other girls learn and become mechanics. They have a great business now and working hard to let other women include in this industry.

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First Step in Industry

The Australian first-ever woman was Alice Anderson who was an owner of a garage. It was not only a garage but more than a garage. It has a repair shop in it.  It was a petrol station, chauffeurs and car cleaners, all in one place. It was a start when she opens this garage in 1919. Women in the automotive industry are making a history which no other country is working for. She continued her work and business was very successful even after facing negative response from some other sector. The other factor that was a disturbing point for her was a local conservative who was making gossips but she took a stand and faced every challenge.

So everyone knows that it was not a sudden success of women in the automotive industry of Australia.

Where Women Stand in the automotive Industry Now

Just a few years back, the women strength in the automotive industry was less than 15 percent. In the automotive industry, the people who were working there, in which 130,000 people employed were female workers. Then in 2016, 1.4 percent counted trades workers were women.

Opposing the Trend

This is a modern era of technology in the automobile industry that is growing day by day. In this technological life, the automotive industry is playing an important role especially with the help of women in this industry is making history.

An auto shop is becoming famous that is owned by a woman named Cathy Wood and Jillian Edward since the beginning of 2017. It was mentioned above that they are working very honestly in this industry. According to the owner of this workshop, they are working for women because women had been playing down in the automotive industry for very time. They need to put some marketing skills here so that they can own their automotive business.

Space for Women in the Automotive Industry

A networking group is working to bring women in the automotive industry and struggling to make industry for women a more welcoming place. The group is also working to give male dominance and hosting many events for the success of women in the automotive industry.

The group is also working on organizing different events for women training, providing an opportunity to learn in this industry. Every woman who is working in this industry can sign up with this group. It is a networking group named Women in Automotive (WinA) and playing an important role in bringing women in the automotive industry by applying for any field like marketing, business, mechanics or engineers.